Latest Past Events

PD Day with Nick Peterson

Canberra Girls Grammar School Melbourne Avenue, Deakin

with Nick Peterson's meant to be fun! Acquiring musical knowledge is a way of increasing the capacity to enjoy it. In this inspiring series of workshops, Nick Peterson introduces pioneering methodologies that endow music teachers with the expertise to greatly increase student capabilities and thus enhance musical [...]

Special General Meeting

Rose Cottage 1 Isabella Dr, Gilmore

Special General Meeting We will be holding a short Special General Meeting at the Teacher's Dinner (mentioned above) to pass some proposed changes to the ACTKA constitution. Your attendance and any feedback would be very much appreciated. Current ACTKA Constitution | Proposed Changes WHEN Saturday 15th May at 6 PM WHERE Rose Cottage, corner of [...]

ACTKA Teachers Dinners & Drinks

Rose Cottage 1 Isabella Dr, Gilmore

ACTKA Teachers Dinners & Drinks WHEN Saturday 15th May at 6 PM, following the Student Recital WHERE Rose Cottage, corner of Isabella Drive & Monaro Hwy, Gilmore RSVP Please RSVP by email to confirm your attendance by the 8th of May